Educational Engineering
Training & Councelling | January to May 2023- As part of the joint military exercise Orion 23, the expertise and consulting firm ND Consultance played the role of focal point in charge of integrating the humanitarian dimension (while fostering the respect thereof) in the scenario of this multidimensional crisis exercise as well as its implementation for the French Ministry of the Armed Forces (as part of Crisotech consultancy). In addition to the contribution to the development of the crisis scenario, this consultancy included simulations of high-level interviews with the joint command of the exercise, with the legal and gender advisers (LEGAD and GENAD) and the military counterparts in charge of the civil-military coordination.
Educational Engineering
Training & Councelling | June 2023, Congo-Brazzaville- As part of the Innovative Priority Solidarity Fund (FSPI) project on access to justice for victims of gender-based violence in Congo-Brazzaville, the expertise and consulting firm ND Consultance has developed the content and facilitated training on advocacy strategies, techniques and tools for the benefit of several Congolese civil society organisations working on the defense of women's rights and the fight against violence against them. This training resulted in several important deliverables: the production of two advocacy notes to be presented to the relevant national authorities, and a shadow report to the United Nations as part of Congo-Brazzaville's examination for the Universal Periodic Review in 2024. This project training/accompaniment was developed as part of a project coordinated by Expertise France and the French Embassy in Congo-Brazzaville.
Situation analysis and fact finding missions
Training & Production of thematic studies | April 2021-February 2023, Guinée-Conakry- As part of the project entitled RESPECT and coordinated by Avocats Sans Frontières-France (ASF-France) in Guinea, the expertise and consulting firm ND Consultance has produced 8 thematic analyses pertaining to fundamental rights in Guinea in the light of the political transition since autumn 2021 and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the realization of fundamental rights in the country. Among the subjects dealt with, the issue of civil and political rights, the rights of women and the fight against violence against them, the rights of children, access to justice and prison issues, human rights and the extractive sector, the issue of the rights of people with disabilities and albinism. A specific study was conducted on the issue of the inclusion of fundamental rights in the drafting of the new Constitution of Guinea. In parallel with the production of these studies, a training cycle including nearly a dozen training courses, developed for Guinean civil society organizations, was developed.
Those studies are only available in French. Hereafter the following links:
- Etude 1: Les droits civils et politiques.
- Etude 2: Les droits des femmes.
- Etude 3: Justice & Prisons.
- Etude 4: La protection de l’enfance.
- Etude 5: Droits de l’Homme et industries extractives.
- Etude 6: Les droits LGBT - (Non accessible to the public).
- Etude 7: Personnes en situation de handicap et atteintes d’albinisme.
- Etude 8: Prise en compte des droits fondamentaux dans le cadre de la rédaction de la nouvelle Constitution de Guinée.
Situation analysis and fact finding missions
Training & Production of thematic studies | February 2023, Guinée-Conakry- As part of a consultancy developed for NIRAS, the expertise and consultancy firm ND Consultance produced a study on the inclusion of fundamental rights in the context of the drafting of the new Constitution of Guinea, which was presented during the conference of the symposium on constitutionalism in Guinea organized in Conakry in the course of February 2023. A summary note on the subject was handed over to the President of the National Transitional Council (CNT), as well as to several advisers of the CNT.
Web conférence et séminaires.
Intervention de Olivier Peyroux & Nordine Drici | 2022-11-03
- Conférence du cabinet d'expertise et de conseil ND Consultance sur la transition politique et les droits de l'Homme en Guinée, pour Forum Réfugiés, en binôme avec le sociologue Olivier Peyroux pour la question de la mobilité et des mineurs non accompagnés.
> Voir l'intervention vidéo - (Durée: 2 heures 25 minute):
Web conférence et séminaires.
Intervention de Nordine Drici | 2022-03-21
- Conférence du cabinet d'expertise et de conseil ND Consultance sur la transition politique et les droits de l'Homme au Soudan, "Soudan : quelle sortie de crise(s) face à un imbroglio politique et une impasse économique ?" pour Forum Réfugiés.
> Voir l'intervention vidéo - (Durée: 2 heures 1 minute):
Training | 2017 / 2022- Certified Trainer within the Bioforce Institute (IHL and humanitarian ethics, protection, quality and accountability of humanitarian aid).
Link to the webpage of Bioforce Institute -
Training - Humanitarian law, rights to water
Training | August 2019-September 2020- In the framework of the development of a specific MSc on Water and sanitation (WASH, joint project associating Bioforce/Action against Hunder and the German Jordanian University in Amman) ND consultance develops specific curricula on basis of humanitarian action, humanitarian law and rights to water.
For further information, please refer to the webpage of the German-Jordanian University, http://www.gju.edu.jo/news/development-humanitarian-wash-msc-program-snrem-german-jordanian-university-10020 -
Educational Engineering
Training | July-September 2019- Preparation of trainings on humanitatian aid, accountability and quality of the humanitarian aid, and protection for several NGOs of the Central African Republic (Projected supported by the EU, Bekou Fund).
Report - Human Rights in Bangladesh/Asylum
Report | June 2019- Contribution of ND Consultance, on the Rohingyas refugees in Bangladesh, to the Annual Report of Forum Réfugiés-Cosi (pp.19 to 23), released on the occasion the World Day for Refugees. https://lnkd.in/e3vuvi8
Educational Engineering
Training | June 2019- Conduct of a two-day training focused on the geopolitical, the historical and the social context of Afghanistan for persons following on the administrative and social level Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in France.
Educational Engineering
Training | June 2019- Conduct of one-day workshop on the Rule of Law, and its stakes of implementation in post-conflict transitions, ENA, Paris, 12th of June 2019).
Educational Engineering
Training | May 2019- Preparation and conduct of two trainings focused on torture prevention and the methodology of documentation of Human Rights violations for representatives of the Mauritanian civil society, in the framework of the Support Project for democracy and social cohesion (PADCS, Nouakchott and Kaedi, May 2019).
International Election Observation
Analysis/prospective | June - October 2018Expert-Human Rights Analyst within the European Union Election Observation Mission in Pakistan (25th of July Elections).
Educational Engineering
Training | September 2018Lecturer at Bioforce Institute on InternationalHumanitarian Law and Ethics.
Watch the lecture:
Click to Youtube media
Institut Bioforce, 2018 © Tous droits réservés
Educational Engineering
Training | February 2017Lecture on the conduct of humanitarian projects, Master 2 Cooperation and International Solidarity, University Evry Val d'Essonne.
Evaluation/Impact studies
Studies | October 2017- Needs-Assessment mission regarding the training and capacity building of the National Commission of Human Rights and Liberties in the Comoros Islands. October 2017.
Evaluation/Prospective (AFD)
Studies | 2018- Consultancy aiming at the writing of a policy paper in the review entitled Mediterra. Title of the policy paper : « Migrations, Asylum : the role of the development agencies », AFD, Presses de Sciences Po.
Educational Engineering
Training | April 2018- Training sessions on lobbying strategies and technics on the international level, in the framework of short training curricula (CISAP) of the National School of Administration (ENA).
Training | February 2018- Preparation and coordination of three training sessions in the framework of the course titled "Rule of Law" developped by the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflit Resolution. Training sessions delivered on the following topics : Ethics and Rule of Law, integration of security matters in developing projects pertaining to Rule of Law, Monitoring, Mentoring and Advising, Reporting, Integration of gender perspective in projects pertaining to Rule of Law.
Lecture | Janvier 2018- Inauguration of the Executive School of Perpignan University's Faculty of Law, with a lecture entitled "Migration, Refugees and Asylum, January 2018.
Documentaire ENA | 2018-02-06CISAP - Le management de crise et la gestion post-conflit:
Courte l'interview de Nordine Drici, représentant du cabinet ND Consultance,
au sein du cycle international de formation CISAP de l'Ecole National d'Administration débutant en 2018 (ENA archives).
Copyrights Vidéos © Tous Droits Réservés, ENA, 2018 -
Educational Engineering
Training | December 2017- Set up of a training/workshop on the role of the magistrate in the course of criminal procedures regarding torture prevention, for 10 Mauritanian magistrates.
Evaluation Reports / Impact Studies
Study | October 2017Fact-finding missions to assess needs in terms of training and capacity building of the new formed Burkinabe Human Rights Commission.
Evaluation Reports / Impact Studies
Study | 2016Study on the impact and effects of World Congresses against Death penalty organised by ECPM since 2001. In partnership with consulting firm 6 pm focused on advocacy strategies and methodology.
Drafting of advocacy Reports
Reports | 2017-02- Writing and forthcoming release of a book on the issue of Human Rights in Bangladesh, following the conduct of a fact finding mission in Dhaka in the course of December 2016.
Educational Engineering
Training| 2017Preparation and conduct of a training focused on the assessment of conditions of detention and treatment of migrants deprived of their freedom, for members of a Libyan civil society organisation, in partnership with ECPAT.
Educational Engineering
Training| 2017-01Preparation and conduct of two training sessions on the issue of asssessment of detention conditions and treatment of persons deprived of their freedom, to Mauritanian Human Rights Defenders, in partnership with ACAT-France.
Drafting of capitalization and advocacy Reports
Training | 2017-02Organization of a workshop on the issue of sensitisation and adovcacy and torturte prevention in Guinea, to a group of Guinean Human Rights Defenders, in partnership with Aide et Action.
Educational Engineering
Workshop | 2016Conception, drafting and implementation of a training workshop in Nouakchott (Mauritania) on the role of lawyers in the criminal process related to the fight against torture. Training designed for a dozen of lawyers of the Mauritanian Bar Association. In partnership with ACAT-France .
Educational Engineering
Training | 2016-2017Preparation of three training sessions included in two international short curricula focused n public administration (CISAP) delivered by the French National School of Administration (ENA) on issues pertaining to democratic governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights in electoral periods.
Editorial coordination
Reports | 2015-07-06Drafting, together with Mauritanian NGOs (AMDH, Al-Rafah) of the Records of the workshop held in Nouakchott end of July 2016 on alternatives to death penalty in the country.
Drafting of capitalization and advocacy Reports
Reports | 2016-09-23Writing, in collaboration with ECPM and Moroccan partners, of a capitalization note focused on actions developed since 2003 by the Morrocan Coalition against Death Penalty.
Drafting of capitalization and advocacy Reports
Reports | 2016-05Production of a advocacy report and of a synthesis note on the issue of the fight against torture and impunity in Guinea-Conakry.
Educational Engineering
Training | 2016-05Conduct, in the course of May 2016, in Nouakchott (Mauritania), in partnership with ACAT-France, of two training sessions on the question of the international definition of torture and methods of documentation of torture cases, for 16 Mauritanian Human Rights defenders.
Editorial Coordination
Congress | 2016With ECPM, coordination and writing of the Regional Congress on the abolition of Death Penalty in Asia Records (June 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, published in June 2016).
Editorial Coordination
Book| 2014With ECPM, coordination and writing of a book on death penalty in Iran (November 2014).
Organisation of seminars
Seminar | 2016-07Conception and set up, in the course of July 2016, in Mauritania (Nouakchott), in partnership with ECPM, of a seminar gathering roughly thirty Human Rights defenders from Mauritania on issues pertaining to alternatives to capital punishement.
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Critical analysis of Reports
Analysis, Partnership | 2015-04Critical perusal, in parternship with the consulting firm Autrement Conseil, of a report focused on gender and women rights perspective with regards to mixed migration in the Horn of Africa (report produced in the framework of a project carried out by Expertise France).
Educational Engineering
Workshop / Training | 2013-07ENA/National School of Administration : in the framework of international short specialized curricula on public administration (CISAP) on Protection of Human Rights (September/October 2012), conduct on various trainings on French cooperation policy on Human Rights/Humans Rights, Development, and women rights.
Educational Engineering
Workshop / Training | 2013-07Conception and conduct of a training in the framework of continuing education. 2-day Workshop/training on the following topic : « Observation of Electoral Processes : stakes and methodological tools ».
Educational Engineering
Lecturer | 2011-2013INALCO : Lecturer within the High International Studies (HEI) Department, on issues focused on international humanitarian Affairs.
Educational Engineering
Coordination and animation of workshops | 2012INALCO : coordination and animation, together with the French Office of Human Rights Watch, of two pre-professional workshops for Students of the Master International Relations in 2012, aiming at the production of two thematic reports.
Ingénierie pédagogique: Université Louis Lumière Lyon 2
Lecturer | 2012-2013University of Louis-Lumière Lyon 2 : Lecturer within the Master in Electoral Engineering and Compared Democratization in 2012 and 2013. Thematics : Human Rights and Elections, ways to work in pairs during electoral monitoring missions, security management during electoral observations missions.
Educational Engineering
Seminar | 2014-10-29IIDH : Students of the legal clinic followed a seminar led by Nordine Drici, Director of Programmes of ACAT-France, on activities carried out by ACAT-France. This seminar also aimed at identifying future cooperation of the legal clinic in ACAT projects, such as the production of article for ACAT website or ACAT magazine, or the writing of synthetis reports on torture.
Organisation of Regional Conferences
Conference | 2014-07FEMED : Organisation of the 4th Euromediterranean Congress of the Associations of the Families of the Disappeared (23 and 24 November 2013 in Beyrouth (Lebanon), gathering associations of the Families of the Disappeared from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Serbia, Turkey), Lebanese and international NGOs, local and international experts on the follosing topic : « Enforced Disappearances, Truth and the fight against impunity ».
Situation Analysis and Fact Finding Missions
Reports | 2013-06With the FEMED, production of the Mission Report on the issue of Enforced Disappearances in Tunisia, June 2013
Situation Analysis and Fact Finding Missions
Reports | 2013-03With the FEMED, production of a Mission Report on the issue of Enforced Disappearances in Libya, March 2013.