
    BANGLADESH - Face à l'autoritarisme, les droits de l'homme en péril

    Author: Nordine Drici
    ND Consultance | 95 pages | Released: 2017-04-21

    Following a 14-month research, comprising 40 interviews as well as a fact-finding mission in Dhaka (December 2016), this book deals with the question of Rule of Law and the respect of fundamental rights in Bangladesh, in the context of a increasing authoritarianism. This book is the first one recently released, with updated information regarding the reality of the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the country.

    A Must for all professionals dealing with asylum (judges, lawyers, officers in charge of asylum status determination, NGOs), assessment of electoral processes, or any person interested in Human Rights in South-East Asia. This book aims at provided very concrete keys in order to better comprehend this complex context, and often misunderstood.

    This book was released thanks to the financial support of the philantropic fund Betto Seraglini.

    Unit price: 15 Euros - (transport fees : 2,99 Euros)

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    "Planète Réfugiés - Droits de l'Homme, 15 rue Luc Soler, 66660 Port-Vendres, France"

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